Through the Elemental Alchemy retreat you will

  • Have an opportunity to imagine, unblock, manifest and build your dream life

  • Embody yourself through various practices and activities that will awaken a sense of realized possibility

  • Empower yourself by tapping into the elements that exist within and around us

  • Restore balance within to improve clarity and focus

  • Be supported by a community of like-hearted people (12 participants maximum)

  • Receive a pre-retreat package including an Elemental Manifestation workbook and access to our online

    workshop/meet and greet.

Please join Suncear Scretchen of SunSeaAirWellness and Myda El-Maghrabi of The Shared Edge where we will explore, conjure and build the worlds we see in our dreams. We probably always are in the midst of trying (or at least thinking about trying) to create the life we dream of- but what if we actually took the time out of our daily lives to imagine, unblock, manifest and build. Taking the time out of your regular life in an environment separate from what is familiar, allows you a chance to take a breath and examine what is most needed and what most needs to be released.

This is an opportunity for us all to come together, to ourselves, and to the earth- to connect more deeply with the universal elements within us all to remove the blocks that inhibit us from truly achieving long-desired dreams and long-lasting change. Through daily yoga, contemplation, meditation, sound healing, energy work, and community (and yes, there will be some free time as well!) we will be guided and supported in building the lives that we were meant to live

This isn't your typical retreat... it begins now.

Even if you’re not ready to decide to take the time out of your life to travel to Costa Rica, your life is being created now! As you’re living it!

We have designed a Pre-Retreat Package for you, even if you don’t come! All you have to do is make the decision to sign up now for updates where we will send you:

  • a free workbook to start working with the elements and how to use them in your daily life,

  • a free sound meditation to tap into your dreams and possibilities,

  • and a first look at future workshops and events

Dream, Act, Create.

Our retreat is designed to take you from the dreaming stage to the actual creation of your goals.

FREE workbook to start dreaming, available now!

earth, air, fire, water

Yoga, Sound &
Energy Work

What often keeps us from creating the lives we want is often within our control. As difficult as it might be to untether ourselves from what holds us, it is possible.

Every day on our journey together, using the universal elements of air, water, fire and earth as our guides, we will work within the various layers of the body, mind and spirit. We will search for areas of tension and resistance to begin to unblock what impedes our desires and from there, begin to cultivate the areas that lead us towards more clarity, expansion and growth.

  • Each day begins with a Yoga-based movement class to prepare our body’s capacity to harness, embody and express alchemical energies.

  • Each evening, we will finish the day basking in what we’ve accomplished in a relaxing session of Sound, Guided Meditation and Reiki.

woman reiki hands  on top of client


We’ve all tried to think ourselves into the lives that we seek to live in but probably most of us have realized that thinking positive thoughts is only part of the work. Part of what really starts to create change is a full-body plunge into who we want to be.

In order to encourage ourselves to take that plunge, we’ve organized a series of mini-adventures within the framework of our retreat:

Activities such as a

  • fiery sweat lodge ceremony

  • balancing on water on a stand-up paddle board

  • zip-lining through the airy jungle canopy and

  • hiking through the rich Costa Rican earth

    will help establish a more embodied approach to who you want to be in your life and in the world.

Black woman ziplining


Not only we will work individually to get in touch with ourselves and the lives we are creating but also together. Each day we will gather in community in exploration and discussion of the energetic elements as they take their various forms- in the universe, in ourselves, in our lives and in our dreams. We will learn how we can harness that knowledge to create real, long-lasting change and manifest the realities we not only want but are meant to live in.

  • 3 Healthy, Vegetarian Meals Daily offer opportunity to connect and share with one another in our collective experience.

  • Daily Workshop where, through lecture, experiential learning, journaling and group discussion, we will learn about the energetic elements around and within us and how to best use them to manifest the lives we are meant to live.

multicultural group in costa rica retreat


Accommodations at Peace Retreat Costa Rica: a rustic, unique 5-acre learning and wellness center located in Playa Negra, along the Pacific Coast, in the Province of Guanacaste, the Northwest region of Costa Rica. It is approximately an hour and 15 minutes to Liberia Airport by car. A scheduled group shuttle transport is included in the cost of the retreat. Any travel outside of the scheduled arrival and departure times will require an additional cost.

Peace retreat room with bed - casa verde

Casa Verde Rooms
(Shared Occupancy)

A shared dormitory-style space, which is designed with seven distinct and private quarters, each including one single bed, linens and towels, with access to an open-air shared washroom facility that includes 3 private showers, 3 private toilets, a urinal, and five sinks.

Early Bird Pricing $2000

peace retreat casa yoga room

Casa Yoga Rooms
(Shared Occupancy)

Choice of either: The Shanti Room which offers 2 single beds and a terrace and The Shine Room which offers 3 queen-size beds. Each room has a private bathroom.

Early Bird Pricing $2500pp

peace retreat cabina 2 beds

Cabinas (Single or Shared Occupancy)

Each of the 8 cabinas has two single beds, as well as a safe for personal belongings and an open-air closet for storage space.

Guests staying in cabinas have access to an open-air shared washroom facility that includes 3 private showers, 3 private toilets, a urinal, and five sinks.

Early Bird Pricing $2300pp or $2600 for single occupancy

Please read our payment and cancellation policy thoroughly before booking.

Before you decide this trip isn’t for you…

Know that most of the above is optional. We realize not everyone might want to wake up first thing in the morning and do a yoga class or the thought of flying through the canopies of a Costa Rican rainforest sends you towards mild panic rather than a sign-up sheet. And while we encourage attendance through all parts of our days together, it is by no means required. We do ask, however, that you are a willing participant in our contemplations and discussion around and within manifestation.

PLEASE READ for a full description of activities, accommodations, and costs.

For any questions not addressed, please feel free to contact either Suncear or Myda at

Not ready to commit?

We get it. Sometimes you need a little more time. Stay in touch for updates and receive our free offerings and classes plus our Elemental Alchemy guidebook, featuring the ether element.

If you’d like a little snippet of the work we do together, check out our YouTube video flossing our way through the chakras.